Skin & Hair Treatment

Middle aged woman with smooth legs sitting | Cellulite Reduction | CELLUTONE | Shahla Medical Group


Quick &
Efficient Treatment

Quick &
Efficient Treatment

CELLUTONE is a non-invasive cellulite reduction treatment that uses targeted vibrations to increase circulation and oxygen supply to the affected area. The targeted vibrations eliminate the primary factors that cause cellulite formation by enhancing circulation and oxygen supply.

This increases blood supply and removes excess fluid, improving your skin’s appearance. With this device, we can reduce the appearance of cellulite without surgery, needles, or downtime.

Dr. Lorem Ipsum

Dr. Lorem Ipsum

Middle aged woman with smooth legs sitting | Cellulite Reduction | CELLUTONE | Shahla Medical Group


Quick &
Efficient Treatment

CELLUTONE is a non-invasive cellulite reduction treatment that uses targeted vibrations to increase circulation and oxygen supply to the affected area. The targeted vibrations eliminate the primary factors that cause cellulite formation by enhancing circulation and oxygen supply.

This increases blood supply and removes excess fluid, improving your skin’s appearance. With this device, we can reduce the appearance of cellulite without surgery, needles, or downtime.



CELLUTONE uses a strategically designed handpiece to direct vibrations to an affected area. These vibrations are not painful and are easily tolerated.

There is no downtime with a CELLUTONE treatment, and you may resume your normal activities immediately after your treatment.

You may see noticeable results after 1-2 treatments, but the optimal number of treatments can vary. During your consultation, our CELLUTONE specialist will be able to create a plan based on your specific goals.


Before & After

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